Category: Psychology

Essays by Shalon Sims on education, creative writing and literacy

Growth Mindset: my journey with math

In her book, Mindset, Carol Dweck (2006) recounts an experience that cemented her fixed mindset—a teacher in elementary school organised her entire class around IQ scores. She doesn’t mention exactly where she fit in among her peers, but it doesn’t matter. The point is that by lining up the students according to IQ, the teacher…
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Plot design & story structure: Joseph Campbell vs Christopher Vogler

In this article, I discuss my process for developing plot and share the incredible tools I discovered to examine, critique and improve the plot of my novel. Download this new and improved for 2021 Campbell vs. Vogler Plot Design Template that will help you design your plot by examining if and how your story follows the hero’s journey. Joseph Campbell and Christopher…
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How the inner critic and creative anxiety cause writer’s block

Writing blocks and the inner critic In my writing group we shared our experiences with the inner critic and how it blocks our writing and creativity. In preparation for the meeting, I researched about this topic and found some books on this topic by Eric Maisel. In this essay I will present what Eric Maisel calls…
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Fear: a Curse Upon Me

We spend a lot of our time and energy doing whatever we can to avoid the worst possible outcome, but what if we embraced it instead? This is an essay about facing our fear and anxiety using various techniques including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. The following topics are covered: What is Your Worst Possible Outcome? My…
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