Tag: poetry

Essays by Shalon Sims on education, creative writing and literacy

A poem and some thoughts on being a newcomer again

  I do a lot of writing about creative writing on this website, but never have I ever shared my own creative writing here. And never have I ever shared a poem, not here and not anywhere else, because, up until the past month or so, I wasn’t someone who wrote poetry. I had cut away…
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25 reasons to read William Gibson’s Neuromancer

  For the writers (and readers) who have not read (or who have not finished reading) William Gibson’s Neuromancer NEUROMANCER! Well, I don’t want to come across as a book snob, but I do have to ask: How can you call yourself a well-read fictionado without having read Neuromancer? In classic Lily-(from How I Met…
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Profound Insights: Out of the Silent Planet by C.S Lewis

The best book I read in 2010 was Out of the Silent Planet, by C.S Lewis.  It is a very small book and inconspicuous.  This was the copy I picked up: