Tag: twitter

Essays by Shalon Sims on education, creative writing and literacy

Cool Twitter resources

Twitter Tips for Twitter Chicks This list of twitter resources and secondary applications will help you run your twitter effectively and with less effort: (Updated June 2011)

Twitter for Beginners: Exploring your Interests & Making Connections

Learning & trying new things can be intimidating Late last year, my friend Rebecca, an artist in Vancouver, told me that I needed to join Twitter because it would connect me with all sorts of people who are passionate about the things that I’m passionate about.  I had been a user of Facebook since 2007…
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How many times should you tweet a blog post?

Well, up until today, I was only tweeting my blog posts once, but lately I have noticed that some bloggers that I am following are tweeting their posts more than once.  So, I did some research and here is what I found: